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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Importance of Robot

At first fig. of Robot:
It also one kind of robot which is used to fighting purpose.Its hydroplane but robot plane.
Some Terms related to Robots:

Mechanisms and principles

The basic BEAM principles focus on a stimulus-response based ability within a machine. The underlying mechanism was invented by Mark W. Tilden where the circuit (or a Nv net of Nv neurons) is used to simulate biological neuron behaviors. Some similar research was previously done by Ed Rietman in 'Experiments In Artificial Neural Networks'. Tilden's circuit is often compared to a shift register, but with several important features making it a useful circuit in a mobile robot.

Other rules that are included (and to varying degrees applied):

  1. Use the lowest number possible of electronic elements ("keep it simple")
  2. Recycle and reuse technoscrap
  3. Use radiant energy (such as solar power)

There are a large number of BEAM robots designed to use solar power from small solar arrays to power a "Solar Engine" which creates autonomous robots capable of operating under a wide range of lighting conditions. Besides the simplistic computational layer of Tilden's "Nervous Networks", BEAM has brought a multitude of useful tools to the roboticist's toolbox. The "Solar Engine" circuit, many H-bridge circuits for small motor control, tactile sensor designs, and meso-scale (palm-sized) robot construction techniques have been documented and shared by the BEAM community.

BEAM robots

Being focused on "reaction-based" behaviors (as originally inspired by the work of Rod Brooks), BEAM robotics attempts to copy the characteristics and behaviors of natural organisms, with the ultimate goal of domesticating these "wild" robots. BEAM robotics also promotes the value of aesthetics in the design of the device, proving the adage "form follows function".

Disputes in the name

Various people have varying ideas about what BEAM actually stands for. The most widely accepted meaning is Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics. However, there are many other semi-popular names in use, including:

  • Biotechnology Ethology Analogy Morphology
  • Building Evolution Anarchy Modularity


Unlike many other types of robots controlled by microcontrollers, BEAM robots are built on the principle of using multiple simple behaviors linked directly to sensor systems with little signal conditioning. This design philosophy is closely echoed in the classic book "Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology". Through a series of thought experiments, this book explores the develoment of complex robot behaviors through simple inhibitory and excitory sensor links to the actuators. Microcontrollers and programming are usually not a part of a traditional (aka., "pure" ) BEAM robot due to the very low-level hardware-centric design philosophy.

There are successful robot designs mating the two technologies. These "hybrids" fulfill a requirement needing robust control systems with the flexibility of dynamic programming, like the "horse-and-rider" topology BEAMbots (ed., The ScoutWalker 3 is such a robot . The physical robot body (the "horse") is controlled by traditional BEAM technology, and the microcontroller and programming influences (and if needed, subsumes) the robot body from the "rider" position . The rider component is not necessary for the robot to function, but without it the robot will lose the important influence of a "smarter brain" telling it what to do.


There are various "-trope" BEAMbots, which attempt to achieve a specific goal. Of the series, the phototropes are the most prevalent, as light-seeking would be the most beneficial behavior for a solar-powered robot.

  • Audiotropes react to sound sources.
    • Audiophiles go towards sound sources.
    • Audiophobes go away from sound sources.
  • Phototropes ("light-seekers") react to light sources.
    • Photophiles (also Photovores) go toward light sources.
    • Photophobes go away from light sources.
  • Radiotropes react to radio frequency sources.
    • Radiophiles go toward RF sources.
    • Radiophobes go away from RF sources.
  • Thermotropes react to heat sources.
    • Thermophiles go toward heat sources.
    • Thermophobes go away from heat sou General

BEAMbots have a variety of movements and positioning mechanisms. These include:

  • Sitters: Unmoving robots that have a physically passive purpose.
    • Beacons: Transmit a signal (usually a navigational blip) for other BEAMbots to use.
    • Pummers: Display a "light show".
    • Ornaments: A catch-all name for sitters that are not beacons or pummers.
  • Squirmers: Stationary robots that perform an interesting action (usually by moving some sort of limbs or appendages).
    • Magbots: Utilize magnetic fields for their mode of animation.
    • Flagwavers: Move a display (or "flag") around at a certain frequency.
    • Heads: Pivot and follow some detectable phenonomena, such as a light (These are popular in the BEAM community. They can be stand-alone robots, but are more often incorporated into a larger robot.).
    • Vibrators: Use a small pager motor with an offcenter weight to shake themselves about.
  • Sliders: Robots that move by sliding body parts smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it.
    • Snakes: Move using a horizontal wave motion.
    • Earthworms: Move using a longitudinal wave motion.
  • Crawlers: Robots that move using tracks or by rolling the robot's body with some sort of appendage. The body of the robot is not dragged on the ground.
    • Turbots: Roll their entire bodies using their arm(s) or flagella.
    • Inchworms: Move part of their bodies ahead, while the rest of the chassis is on the ground.
    • Tracked robots: Use treaded wheels, like a tank.
  • Jumpers: Robots which propel themselves off the ground as a means of locomotion.
    • Vibrobots: Produce an irregular shaking motion moving themselves around a surface.
    • Springbots: Move forward by bouncing in one particular direction.
  • Rollers: Robots that move by rolling all or part of their body.
    • Symets: Driven using a single motor with its shaft touching the ground, and moves in different directions depending on which of several symmetric contact points around the shaft are touching the ground.
    • Solarrollers: Solar-powered cars that use a single motor driving one or more wheels; often designed to complete a fairly short, straight and level course in the shortest amount of time.
    • Poppers: Use two motors with separate solar engines; rely on differential sensors to achieve a goal.
    • Miniballs: Shift their center of mass, causing their spherical bodies to roll.
  • Walkers: Robots that move using legs with differential ground contact.
    • Motor Driven: Use motors to move their legs (typically 3 motors or less).
    • Muscle Wire Driven: Utilize Nitinol (nickel - titanium alloy) wires for their leg actuators.
  • Swimmers: Robots that move on or below the surface of a liquid (typically water).
    • Boatbots: Operate on the surface of a liquid.
    • Subbots: Operate under the surface of a liquid.
  • Fliers: Robots that move through the air for sustained periods.
    • Helicopters: Use a powered rotor to provide both lift and propulsion.
    • Planes: Use fixed or flapping wings to generate lift.
    • Blimps: Use a neutrally-buoyant balloon for lift.
  • Climbers: Robot that moves up or down a vertical surface, usually on a track such as a rope or wire.

At present, autonomous robots have seen limited commercial application, with some exceptions such as the iRobot Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner and a few lawn-mowing robots. The main practical application of BEAM has been in the rapid prototyping of motion systems and hobby/education applications. Mark Tilden has successfully used BEAM for the prototyping of products for Wow-Wee Robotics, as evidenced by the "proto-Robosapien" "BIODroid" B.I.O.Bug, and RoboRaptor. Solarbotics Ltd., Bug'n'Bots,JCM InVentures Inc., and have also brought BEAM-related hobby and educational goods to the marketplace.

Aspiring BEAM roboticists often have problems with the lack of direct control over "pure" BEAM control circuits. There is ongoing work to evaluate Biomorphic techniques that copy natural systems because they seem to have an incredible performance advantage over traditional techniques. There are many examples of how tiny insect brains are capable of far better performance than the most advanced microelectronics.

Another barrier to widespread application of BEAM technology is the perceived random nature of the 'nervous network', which requires new techniques to be learned by the builder to successfully diagnose and manipulate the characteristics of the circuitry. A think-tank of international academics meet annually in Telluride, Colorado to address this issue directly, and until recently, Mark Tilden has been part of this effort (he had to withdraw due to his new commercial commitments with Wow-Wee toys).

Having no long-term memory, BEAM robots generally do not learn from past behavior. However, there has been work in the BEAM community to address this issue. One of the most advanced BEAM robots in this vein is Bruce Robinson's Hider [Clean-up: Hider does not learn from past behavior], which has an impressive degree of capability for a microprocessor-less design.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Humanoid Robot
(Intelligence Robot)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Technology of Robot

Actually whats Robot is?

For the tech in you!

It is difficult to take their arguments against the transfer from the system centers them towards the satellites of the software from the system seriously centers them towards the music satellites when their actions are therefore much defective than those of the pirati ones of music.

The customers of the services appreciate Ares, Soul seek, or bit torrent she can obtain something for nothing, but some specific customer does not make small or nothing to damage the industry record. The industry record, because with their powerful groups of pressure practically the laws write, can cite people for the ten of the migliaia of the dollars for using the software of transfer from the system centers them towards the music satellites in order to obtain some songs literally.

Even if they are of right and the software of transfer from the system centers them towards the music satellites illegal is guiding them from the commerce, is hard to have much compassion for an industry that is disposed to go to such draconiane lengths protect their investments. Perhaps all we would be better outside without than they.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Definition of Robot:

A Simplified Definition

The simplest definition of a robot could be "a mechanism which moves and reacts to its environment", and there are many robot starter kits which use this definition in some form. The simplest of these I have seen is a fact file type book with a tray of electric and simple mechanical components together with an envelope of card board press out parts and stencils allowing the construction of a variety of wheeled and legged mechanisms which are crudely able to interact with the environment.
Although the build quality is questionable this and other such kits give a good feel for the spirit of the robot concept.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

irobotics a new concept in AI

This is a blog dedicated to robotics and artificial intelligence