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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some Terms About Robots

Automation Products:--
MD-2 Step Motor Systems
Automate easily with our MD-2 step motor system. Complete with 2 motors, drive electronics and software - all designed to work together without a hitch. Connects to a PC and comes with software that gives the operator complete control over the speed, direction and travel distance of each motor. Source code is also provided in Visual Basic and C for custom applications. Two sizes are available offering different torque capacities.

X, XY Linear Positioning Tables
Use our cost-effective linear positioning tables to automate pick-and-place operations, dispensing, cutting, drilling, and sensor positioning. Available in single axis (X) and dual axis (XY) configurations. Use our MD-2 step motor control systems to create a plug-and-go system. Several sizes to choose from including 9", 18" and 30" of travel. Combine with our Z-2 positioning table to create a 3-axis system.

Rotary Positioning Tables
The RT-12 rotary positioning table provides precise rotary motion for automating tasks for factories and laboratories. Also useful for test fixtures, research projects and even camera positioning and media applications. Use with our MD-2a step motor system for complete control over the rotary motion.

Z-Axis Linear Positioning Table
The Z-2 offers 2" of precision linear travel perfect for a 3rd axis of an XY table. The lead-screw design works well against gravity or horizontally. Z-2 tables can be stacked together to create small X, XY, XYZ systems and can be placed on top of the RT-12 rotary table. Use our MD-2a step motor system to provide intelligent position control for the Z-2.

3-Axis Robotic Workcells
By combining our XY positioning tables, Z-2 linear positioning table, our MD-2 step motor control systems, and a gantry stand - a complete 3-axis robotic workcell can be created. Perfect for automation of lab processes, small parts assembly, pick-and-place operations, sensor positioning, despensing, and research projects. Easy to set up and cost-effective to use.

Pulley Reducers

The PR23 pulley reducer offers a way to improve the performance of our belt-driven positioning tables. When used with our MD-2 step motor systems, the PR23 increase torque, increase resolution, and decrease vibration and noise. Speed may also be increased to due to better usage of the motor's torque curve. The PR23 is compatible with any NEMA size #23 step or servo motor.

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